What is Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in your throat, such as your tongue and soft palate, temporarily relax. When these muscles relax, your airway is narrowed or closed, and breathing is momentarily cut off. Periods when breathing stops are called apnea events.

When Left Untreated, Sleep Apnea Can Result In Or Contribute To These Serious Health Problems:

Elevated Blood Pressure - Risk of Stroke
Heart failure - Irregular Heartbeats, Potential for Heart Attacks
Varying Conditions Including - Diabetes, Depression, Increased ADHD Symptoms, Headaches

What’s next: 3 Simple Steps

Talk to Your Doctor

Speak to your doctor about your sleep apnea symptoms or contact us

Take a Home Sleep Test

N3Sleep offers several convenient and cost-effective home sleep testing options. A testing device will be mailed to your home and our expert sleep coaches will walk you through the setup over the phone.

Begin Treatment

If you are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, your doctor will discuss several treatment options. The most common two are CPAP and/or a custom dental appliance.

N3Sleep Makes Sleep
Apnea Testing Easy

FAST - With home sleep study equipment, testscan be completed much faster than lab tests.
Advanced level || Sleep diagnostic system: Acquires 10 signals with no wires
CONVENIENT - Allows patients to take sleeptest in the comfort of their own bed
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